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Showing posts from April, 2023

March of the Machine - A Summary of Archetypes and Mechanics

  The epic (pun intended) concluding set to Magic the Gathering's Phyrexia story March of the Machine is here. To help you wrap your head around it and help with deck building for prerelease I have compiled the Mechanics and Archetypes into a single blog post you may scroll through to help. Mechanics Battle Battle isn't just a new mechanic -  it's a new card type. Here is a summary on how the new battle cards work: Upon a Battle card entering the battlefield, an opponent is chosen to protect the Battle card. The opponent protecting the Battle card can use counterspells and creatures to block in order for it to not get damaged. But only the protector can prevent damage.  There are spells in MOM that specifically cause damage to a Battle card. Spells that deal damage to any target can damage a Battle card. The backside enters the battlefield with summoning sickness. You as the controller want to attack/defeat your Battle card in order to flip it.  Backup Backup is a new MTG m