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Showing posts from November, 2022

Fblthp has a new hospitality job?

  The Lost Adventures of Fblthp - entry 3 See previous entry here Fblthp has a new hospitality job? Lisa Cooke had finished her training and rushed off to her work at the local Hotel, she had only arrived when she went to grab her ID from her bag when she found a stowaway in her bag! Fblthp was busted, here is a photo Lisa sent me to report the out-of-control plushie. Now remember, I had thought Fblthp dead after I last saw him being carried away by a pelican, so to say I was surprised that he had gotten so incredibly lost and moreover harassing EPIC Ipswich's patrons, I did the only thing I could think. Like any homunculus who found himself without a job and indebted to someone or something (looking at you Azorious Senate), he was put to work. It began menial, helped Lisa and her lovely boss set up, placing cutlery and decorating tables. The menial task ran dry as both individuals realised a homunculus probably couldn't carry trays or walk around the floor when it was busy.  H

First Aid trained Fblthp

The Lost Adventures of Fblthp - entry 2 See previous entry here First Aid trained Fblthp The Pelican swooped down and carried him to a new location. It flew higher and higher until it too was lost. Both entities could no longer see the water and only saw buildings below, with a mighty kick Fblthp indicated to the Pelican that he wanted to be dropped off. He stayed on the rooftop for a couple of days before someone went up to have a break, sneaking his way down into the building proper, he found himself in a seminar of some variety. Sneaking onto the computer he read up on some of the material discovering it to be none other than a first aid course. Adding his name into the system he was escorted to a chair beside one of EPIC's patrons Lisa Cooke. Lisa was enthusiastic enough to see the homunculus but couldn't understand his 'jabbering'. Not wanting to get picked for any answers he hid behind a workbook but was unfortunately singled out to answer questions.... fortunatel

The Brother's War - A Summary of mechanics and archetypes

Once again I find myself in the position of watching everyone else have fun at Prerelease for the new set and this time I cannot put into words how disappointed I am to be unable to partake. Believe me when I say 'This is a good set!'. To help you wrap your head around it and help with deck building for prerelease I have compiled the Mechanics and Archetypes into a single blog post you may scroll through to help. Mechanics Returning mechanics from Unearth, to the underutilised Meld mechanic, are all back. The Brother's war leans heavily into the lore of the book that it shares a name with, Powerstones, artifacts and the ramp for artifact dominance. Without further adieu let us look at the new Mechanics in The Brother's War. Prototype The Prototype mechanic is new to MTG, providing players with an alternative way to get giant mechs and war machines onto the battlefield. Within the brother's war set, there are multiple Artifact creatures that have big stats and a pric

Fblthp has Gone Fishing

  Last weekend I went fishing with a mate. It started like any other fishing trip - I bought bait, snacks, gear and a nice chair. I went to put some bait on my rod and low and behold. THERE. HE. WAS. Fblthp had somehow ended up in my bag! I proceeded to do what any stand-up citizen would do when finding a homunculus in their fishing gear. I ignored him. This didn't satiate his curiosity, as he proceeded to steal my mates chair, sit down and start a conversation, taking in the view and scaring off the fish with his loud gutteral noises. Whoever taught Fblthp Mongolian throat singing, I will find you. I decided I'd try to calm myself as my mate caught the only fish of the day, I went to eat some of my packed snacks. He had eaten them before I could reach them. Agitated I went to put more bait on my line and would've proceeded to fish had he not eaten all the bait too. Annoyed I tried to use him as bait- admittedly this resulted in him singing underwater and scaring off the fi

The Brothers War - A brief introduction to EPIC Ipswich and the new MTG Prerelease

It may not be Urza's Saga but Urza is back baby and this time he has a Planeswalker card (kinda). Whilst I could hype up the things Im excited about in this upcoming set this blog post is not a fluff piece but made to inform you about Prerelease at EPIC Ipswich. EPIC Ipswich will be running two Prereleases with the first happening on Friday Night as Sealed and on the Saturday day with Jumpstart. Sealed Prerelease (Friday) EPIC Ipswich is running a sealed prerelease on Friday the 11th of November at 6:00 PM. Entry is $45 includes a prerelease kit in addition to a set booster from the new set. Announcements are held at 6:15 PM with deck construction happening from 6:15 - 7:00 PM (7:15 PM if more time is needed). Pairings will be run on  event link with an additional set booster added to your prize pool for each round you won. Ideally four rounds due to time constraints but will depend on turn out. Remember to see us before leaving for your prizes. Jumpstart Prerelease (Saturday) We t

Our newest fan club

  Summer is coming and whilst we are working on getting the air conditioners repaired in the orange and green zone, we have a temporary solution in preparation for some of the upcoming hot days that Summer may bring. If you're wondering why this was necessary to write a blog post about. It is definitely NOT because I bought myself a bunch of fans to make a joke about having my own fan club. The Benevolent Owners purchased the fans from someone (WHO ISNT ME) due to the heat and not because they felt pity because an employee who lives in a carboard box in EPIC Ipswich's storage may have been crying for a full month - I didn't even stop crying to sleep..... Anyway are you a FAN of these changes? If not don't tell me or hurt my feelings. If you are please tell me to validate my feelings. If you are a literal fan, please tell me how you are reading this blog and if our electronic devices are planning to conquer humanity on behalf of our robot overlords.... I should probably