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All the upcoming Magic the Gathering sets in 2023


If you've been following the blog you would have noticed all the recent posts pertain to Wizards of the Coasts recent announcement of their upcoming projects through to 2023. I had already gone over most of the content especially with D&D, today however is about something very close and dear to my heart - Magic the Gathering. I'm not caring about the universes beyond sets, this is focusing on the core sets, the story and my excitement!

We saw how wrong I was with the Dominaria United story predictions and with the Magic 30 celebrating the 4 story arc - Dominaria United, The Brothers War, Phyrexia All will be One, March of the Machine and a follow up set March of the Machine Aftermath. It is no surprise that there is plenty of speculation and concept art and hype around the fate of the multiverse.

The Brothers War

Continuing the story from Dominaria United, The Brothers War sees Tefari travel back in time to learn the truth about the sylex and all the secrets left behind from Urza and Mishra's plane wide war. Here is hoping we get an official Urza Planeswalker card. He has been the most iconic canonical planeswalker since MTG's heyday and he has never received an official card. In either case, see some of the concept art below:

Phyrexia: All will be One

This is pure speculation however we know this set will rely heavily on the plane of Argentum/Mirrodin/New Phyrexia/Phyrexia. Elesh Norn is featured heavily in all the art on this set and presumably this set will tell the story of what is occurring in magics present whilst Tefari is time travelling.

March of the Machine

In the concept art we see a massive barbed tentacle entity/construct, presumably the machine in mention in the title. The community has taken to referring to this as the realmbreaker, derived from the world tree of kaldheim to breach into all the multiverse. We see evidence of this in the concept art where multiple heroes from different planes (notably not planeswalkers) are seen on New Phyrexia charging across a battlefield together. We also see the "machines" tentacled roots on both Theros, Zendikar & Kamigawa.

March of the Machine Aftermath

Not much has been revealed about this set, however, the only summary is that it deals with the consequences of March of the Machine - I suspect planes may now have permanent tears between them, or at the bare minimum, a bunch of refugees from the Realmbreaker.

Wilds of Eldraine

This set returns to the fairytale plane that saw the return of Garruk. Unlike the last visit to the plane which focused on arthurian/fairytale fantasy. This set will focus more on the grizzly fairytales not yet told on the plane, including snow white according to the concept art below. Heres to hoping we see the return of the Adventure mechanic.

Lost Caverns of Ixalan

I am surprised to say that this is the least surprising of the upcoming sets. Earlier in 2022, there were rumours of returning to Ixalan and giving it the Zendikar Rising treatment, exploring the plane away from the main storyline that premiered it. Not alot is known about this set, however we can see alot more of the Mesoamerican cultural influences in this set.

I cannot decide which I am most excited for, my love for Phyrexia is going to taint my judgement on which set I look forward to the most, I am however, very excited that we are returning to Ixalan. Leave your hopes, dreams and excited speculation on the upcoming sets in the comments below. I need people to geek out with, please, I'm desperate... I write blogs about nerdy cardgames and never leave the confines of my cardboard box here in the gamestore.

Your Geeky Phyrexian Friend and Ally,


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