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Spelljammer is now in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e!


For any Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts the wait is over! For those who are confused as to why I have attached a picture of a soldier riding a dragon, with a hamster on his shoulder, avoiding the destruction of a planet, whilst a incorporeal humanoid is riding an alien fish to fish the alien fish - this article is also for you.

What is Spelljammer?

Spelljammer - for an oversimplified explanation is Dungeons and Dragons in space. The setting or style of game, Spelljammer, is the name of the spaceships that adventurers travel on to get to other solar systems. Yes these are like nautical ships and not actual rockets. They are called Spelljammers as they're powered by magic/spells. 

Think of Spelljammer as a seafaring D&D adventure that takes place in the void of space with lots of aliens trying to eat you, highjack your ship, or take you prisoner.

Whats new in this setting?

A bunch! This setting is released in a 3 part book set that comes with its own DM Screen to help DM's behind-the-screen. The three books included in the Spelljammer Adventures in Space bundle are: Astral Adventurers Guide, Boo's Astral Menagerie and Light of Xaryxis.

Astral Adventurers Guide

The Astral Adventurers Guide is essentially the new Player Handbook (PHB) for the setting and includes a bunch of new backgrounds, playable races, spells and magic items. This book also covers the basics of the setting and provides players with all their necessary information to start playing - this includes the deck plans and anatomy of a spelljammer. 

Oh and if you rely on the old faithful "You meet in a tavern" to start your campaign, this book also has a campaign hub for players to keep returning to, the Asteroid City of Bral. 

This book is the one I'm most excited for out of the lot, a campaign setting with more than just playable races? COUNT ME IN!

Boo's Astral Menagerie

If we follow the previous example of the Astral Adventurers Guide being the PHB of the setting, then Boo's Astral Menagerie is the Monster Manual to accompany it. This book is littered with aberrant horrors, dragons and ... plants? to scare your party with as the venture into the strange beyond of the Astral Sea.

Light of Xaryxis 

This is the first campaign set in the spelljammer setting (outside of the Gith AL module for Mordenkainens Tome of Foes). The Light of Xaryxis is a campaign set for adventurers levels 5-8 and takes the adventurers from their home world and into the Astral Sea in order to save their planet from a cosmic entity threatening to destroy it from beyond.
I must disclaim that I have not played this adventure and know next to nothing outside of the teasers wizards have provided. It has been said to be easily tailored to fit into most campaign worlds and is perfect to adopt after Waterdeep Dragon Heist. In either case this is an adventure, that as an experienced Dungeon Master, I wish to experience as a player before running myself.

I hope that this has helped inspired and informed you all about the newest release in D&D, for patrons that play in EPIC League, the new spells, backgrounds and races have all been approved to play. We ask you to please be courteous and patient with the DMs who haven't all had the chance to read through Spelljammer yet.

Your Friend and Ally,


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