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Having a Game Night - The benefits


Every Game Store runs and sells games, that is kind of a given with it literally being in the name and all, however, how many Local Game Stores (LGSs) do you know that run a nondescript night for people to come in store and play whatever game they feel like? Granted many Game Stores allow patrons to use their space and play whatever game they want, there is a core part that is missing from some I've visited. Many stores have die-hard, cutthroat gamers that play for sheep stations and whilst that is great for their business model and what they are trying to achieve, projecting my own thoughts and feelings onto this, I feel as though those stores have lost sight of what made them great and welcomed so many new faces into the community.

 What is so wrong with scheduled tournaments and competitive games every weeknight?

The short answer is nothing. There's no right or wrong way to run a game store. There is a sense of exclusivity when you go to stores that operate like this. Almost as though the friendliness has been taken out of the Friendly Local Game Store. 
A couple years back I ventured to a new game store to hopefully play a game with some friendly locals, only to find the entire store was packed for a Warhammer tournament, when I asked when they had their "games night" I was asked to specify which game I was referring to. A further observation was the faction-like behaviour; were you a Warhammer player or a Magic the Gathering player? It was as though you represented the game and each game competed for floorspace in the building, moreover within each faction of gaming groups whoever was the top player was like the leader of a gang. This bad personal experience I had does not reflect every game store, I have frequented a couple I love and some that have since closed down that I have fond memories of. I do think that missing part of the games store, the ability to come in and play games is a pivotal part of welcoming new patrons to your store to ensure they keep returning and may even branch out into some of the more popular events and games run at your game store.

What is a games night and why is it important?

A games store is a games store, by specialising in just the most popular games, a large demographic of casual gamers are alienated from the community. A games store sells games and I'd hope they'd welcome gamers from all walks of life. A games night is a night tailored towards what most game stores already do - allow you to play games in the store at any time of day, however, it is a night guaranteed to have people show up who want to play a game they've never gotten enough players for, or to meet new people that share the same taste of games others have. I myself love social deduction games - something not too popular in the gaming community, on a games night, I can walk around to tables playing Secret Hitler or Codenames and still enjoy myself whilst other people are Colonising Mars or facing the Fury of Dracula.

A Game Night in-store is an opportunity for people to branch out into games and genres they've not heard of, it also does the advertising for the games store. Imagine finding a game you simply must play more of, you can see if your store already supplies it and if not they may be able to order it in!
Game Nights are also the best way to bring new people into your gaming venue - how often have you had a family or friends game night? By playing at your store, new people are realising that the Game Store exists and is a welcoming place to play.

Game Nights are a core part of a store's identity and are a customer's way of telling how welcoming and inclusive your store is. For stores to endure past covid lockdowns, it is clear that they must continue to support and foster a nurturing community to ensure a game store has the support of their local community.

Your Friend and Ally,


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