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New TV Screens


Y'all ever heard of McDonald's? Maccas? Yeah the fast food chain.

One man pretty much saw what they had done with their menu screens and asked himself "How can we make this better?". That was the point the cashier demanded Trevor pay for his McNuggets cause his daydreaming was holding up the queue. At least that's how that panned out in my head. Cut ahead to today and EPIC Ipswich has TV screens of the same quality around our Retail, Cafe and Greenzone in EPIC.

 The screen in the cafe cycles through the different menu options we have available. The screen in the Green zone showcases the events we have on in our store throughout the week and as for the screen in the retail spot - it sits there and looks pretty whilst customers browse and occasionally look up at it, often thinking aloud "Oh hey, yeah, I'm in EPIC" before continuing to buy craft supplies or their newest set of pretty click-clacks (Gamer term for dice).

So yay! New TV's. That's kinda cool, you gotta admit. Anyway, I'm off to watch some people play with the newest Magic the Gathering cards (Our Prerelease is tonight).

Your Friend and Ally,



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