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Fblthp has a new hospitality job?

 The Lost Adventures of Fblthp - entry 3

See previous entry here

Fblthp has a new hospitality job?

Lisa Cooke had finished her training and rushed off to her work at the local Hotel, she had only arrived when she went to grab her ID from her bag when she found a stowaway in her bag! Fblthp was busted, here is a photo Lisa sent me to report the out-of-control plushie.
Lisa Cooke finding Fblthp... at work

Now remember, I had thought Fblthp dead after I last saw him being carried away by a pelican, so to say I was surprised that he had gotten so incredibly lost and moreover harassing EPIC Ipswich's patrons, I did the only thing I could think. Like any homunculus who found himself without a job and indebted to someone or something (looking at you Azorious Senate), he was put to work.

It began menial, helped Lisa and her lovely boss set up, placing cutlery and decorating tables. The menial task ran dry as both individuals realised a homunculus probably couldn't carry trays or walk around the floor when it was busy. 

He was then shown how to pour glasses of various liquids, not too dissimilar from the alchemists on Ravnica and how the Izzet guild treated their few homunculi. Fblthp was a natural but got overwhelmed and hid behind the counter.

Fed up with his antics they gave him one last shred of responsibility: learning the cash register and EFTPOS systems. This did not go according to plan as he somehow managed to set the price of everything to "FREE" and in the rare occurrence "complementary". Inundated with orders in the kitchen, the bar and the floor were all swarmed by a not-so-angry mob, all wanting to get their items without paying. Invoking the joke "If it doesn't scan then it's free" as they stormed to every possible place they could get their free food and drinks!

The last time Fblthp was seen that night, his tiny body was being pushed away by the crowd as he struggled against the people who were carrying him out of the hotel against his will. Once again, Fblthp was lost and had inadvertently left another place in more turmoil than he had found it.

Authors Note

Once again a huge and massive thank you to Lisa and an extended thank you to her boss for allowing Lisa to take Fblthp with her on shift!
If you would like to take Fblthp with you on an adventure please contact EPIC Ipswich through our social media, website or by calling the store.

Your Friend and Ally,


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